Publish ALL Your Content DIRECTLY To Your Sites (Or Your Clients) From Inside Of Creaite With Just ONE Click Of Your Mouse
Unlock our CreaiteConnect WP Plugin WITH
Unlimited Sites License AND our Agency License
Ready To Automate The Publishing
of Your Content As Well As The Writing?
All you need to do is Hit the Discount Button Below

PLUS, In Version 2.0, You'll NOW Be Able to Format, Optimize AND Automatically Add Relevant Images To Your Content In SECONDS!

Hey Guys, Joshua Zamora Here Again
And we set the bar REALLY high with the value we offered you on the previous page, right?
Well, why don’t we just keep that avalanche of value coming your way, deal?
On this page, you’re going to be able to unlock ANOTHER extremely valuable 3-part offer that’s going to allow you to profit even FASTER by being able to post your content to your sites IMMEDIATELY after Creaite has written it.
Yup, you’ll be able to do ALL of this from inside of Creaite as well.
On This Page You’re going to be able to unlock our Creaite Connect WP Plugin with TWO incredible bonuses to go along with it!
Our Creaite Connect Plugin Allows You To Publish Your Content DIRECTLY To Your Sites In a Matter of SECONDS!

Yup, you read this feature correctly. How would you like to be able to go from having Creaite WRITE your content to ALSO being able to PUBLISH your content WITHOUT ever having to leave our dashboard?
Imagine being able to “feed” PERFECTLY readable content to ALL of your sites at ANY time you’d like in a matter of minutes?
Well, that’s EXACTLY what you’ll be getting on this page.
PLUS, it’ll take just ONE extra second to click on our “Publish To WordPress” feature!
Plus we have TWO Amazing Bonuses As well….
Bonus 1
You’ll be getting out UNLIMITED Sites License So You Can LITERALLY Post Content To ALL Your Sites In A Matter of MINUTES!

Yup, offering UNLIMITED sites as a FREE bonus is pretty much unheard of in the WordPress plugins world, right?
However, like I’ve mentioned a couple times already, we LOVE to stack the value for our valued-customers.
So, although we COULD have easily sold our unlimited-sites license separately, we wanted to include that for you here, so you NEVER have a ceiling on being able to publish content to your sites.
Just simply install our plugin on your sites and you’re good to go.
And we’re not even done yet! We STILL have one more amazing bonus to this offer...
Bonus 2
Unlock our Agency License So You Can “Feed” Content
To ALL of Your Client’s Sites As Well!

Now it wouldn’t be fair if we gave you UNLIMITED sites license, but NOT include the ability for you to use it on ALL your clients sites too, right?
So we decided to step things up even MORE and ALSO include the AGENCY license of our plugin so you can “feed” quality content to your clients sites as well!
This will make you look like an ABSOLUTE rockstar in the eyes of your clients when they see that EVERY WEEK, you are posting PREMIUM, engaging content on their sites to generate MORE traffic and MORE sales for their business!
They’re going to think you have an entire TEAM of ELITE content writers and publishers on your payroll 🙂
Ok Josh, Cut To The Chase Now - How Much?
And just like EVERY offer you’ve seen already, we could have EASILY sold EACH of these on it’s own.
But once again, we decided to bundle up A TON of value for this offer to make it a TRUE no-brainer that will REALLY help your business and the profit you’ll be able to bring in.

However Before You Grab This Upgrade, Let’s Quickly Recap The Value Of What You’re Getting TODAY!
Our Creaite Connect WP Plugin so you can PUBLISH Your Content IMMEDIATELY After Creaite writes it for you
$197 Value

Our Unlimited Sites License So You Can LITERALLY Post Content To ALL Your Sites In A Matter of MINUTES!
$297 Value

Our Agency License So You Can “Feed” Content To ALL of Your Client’s Sites As Well!
$297 Value
That’s A Total Value Of $791!
And we could've easily charged EXACTLY that if we sold our Connect WP Plugin plus unlimited and agency rights. However since you’re our newest member of Creaite, we’re going to offer you an AMAZING deal!
And Of Course, This Offer
Is 100% Risk Free To You

If at any point before the 30 days you feel that our our Creaite Connect Plugin is not right for you just shoot us an email and you’ll get a FULL Refund.
And just like our other upgrades, this offer is 100% optional. You can always post your content the old fashioned way and manually login to your WordPress sites.
However, if you prefer to speed things up and publish your content directly from inside Creaite, I highly recommend securing this special offer.
You may NEVER see it again.
So if you want to have the ability to IMMEDIATELY publish your content on ALL your sites and ALL of your clients sites, hit the button below this video.
I look forward to seeing you in the member’s area.

No Thanks, I prefer to publish my content manually for myself and my clients
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